The RACE FOR EDUCATION 5K AND FUN RUN is held annually in September in celebration of National Literacy Month. The proceeds of this race will benefit adult education initiatives at Central Georgia Technical College. The Adult Education Division’s mission is to enable adult learners in Central Georgia acquire the basic skills necessary to compete successfully in today’s global workplace, to strengthen individual character and family foundations, and to exercise full citizenship.
As a result of the continued concerns over the COVID-19 virus and CGTC’s commitment to the well-being of our students, faculty, staff, donors, and volunteers, we have elected to offer a virtual format for our 2020 race.
T-shirts are guaranteed to all entrants who register by August 31, 2020 at midnight.
You will be able to post your time on ITS YOUR RACE or use the ITS YOUR RACE app.
WHEN: SEPTEMBER 7 – 12, 2020
Anytime you want! Early mornings. Middle of the day. Cool of the evening. Even at midnight!
WHERE: This is your RACE FOR EDUCATION! Anywhere you want to run/walk 3.1 miles or 1 mile fun run
That could be the beach, the lake, the park, fast and flat street course. Anywhere you want!
RULES: Once you register, decide your course – 5K or 1 mile fun run
Run your best race and submit your finishing photo to foundation@centralgatech.edu to share on the CGTC social media. You can also use the hashtag #MyRace4Education to submit your photos.
PRICES: $20 includes Race for Education T-Shirt and Goodie Bag
Your t-shirt and goodie bag will be availiable for pickup the week of September 14, 2020.
GET READY TO RUN OR WALK TO SUPPORT ADULT EDUCATION! Once you're registered, click the button below for full instructions on how the IYR Virtual Run Program Works:

Registration for this event will close on September 12, 2020. All registrants must run their virtual race by 9:00 PM EST on September 12. After that, time submissions will no longer be posted to the results.